About the Artist
About the Artist

Christi Friesen was born at a very young age, kidnapped and raised by lemmings. She escaped to California where she got married, had various wonderful kids, and amassed credit card bills. She is currently considering having a midlife crisis, unless there’s something good on television.

CF works in mixed media, combining polymer clay, glass, acrylic, found objects, gemstones and semi-precious stones, glass beads, pearls, precious metals, and pigments to make her unique sculptures and art jewelry. Her preference for polymer as her sculpting medium is a result of the versatility, durability, and unparalleled ease with which it can accommodate gems, pearls and stones. These are worked into the sculpture while the clay is uncured, thus allowing for a very organic design in which the stones are an integrated into the design. The medium is also colorfast and lightweight.

CF is an artist because she must be. Her goal is to amuse herself, and if others are also amused, so much the better. All her pieces are one-of-a-kind and although she may make pieces that are similar in theme or subject, no two will ever be alike. Where would the fun be in that? She is happy to consider commissioned work if the project interests her.

CF’s work is available at galleries and juried fine craft shows. She is a contributor to magazines and books. More of her pieces can also be found on her website: www.CFOriginals.com.


I just can’t help it. I must make things. My mind won’t stop and my fingers follow.

One of the things I find most enjoyable about being an artist is the reaction I get when someone else enjoys my work. It is a special thing to be able to share a piece of yourself. And, of course, it’s nice for the ego as well. Who doesn’t like being told they’re terrific once in a while.

As with many artists, I enjoy creating in more than one media, but sculpting suits me best.
I have chosen to work primarily in mixed media, embellishing polymer clay with gems, pearls, beads and found objects which are worked into the sculpture while the clay is uncured. I feel this allows for a very organic design. It’s also very interesting joining forces with nature to create something memorable.